Distress sales resulting from bank foreclosures often represent a great way to get a fantastic deal on a home. It sometimes can be difficult for the average homeowner to find these deals, because you have to be on top of the market to see when one comes up. If you’re the type of person who recognizes what a fine value some of these properties could be, you will be interested to know about a new free computerized service which automatically searches out and downloads a current list of all such properties day in and day out. This service automatically plugs you in to the most current list of foreclosure properties on the market, in the price range and area that interests you.
Here’s how it works. Every week, you will receive a free computerized report listing the current foreclosure properties in your desired price range and location. There is no cost for this information, and the only criteria is to agree to meet with us for a brief 30 minute, no obligation meeting to determine how we can help you best in your search. If you like, additional listed fixers, and distress sale homes can be included in daily emails. This can give you a huge advantage over other buyers in the marketplace.
You can request this free service by simply shooting me an email at vic@vicsellshomes.com and ask for the free Foreclosure Report. Be sure to include some of the details below, thanks:
Name: Email Address:
Address: City/State/Zip:
Daytime Phone: Evening Phone:
Do you currently own a home?:
Description of the home you’re looking for:
Price range min/max: Location/Area:
Age of home: Preferred Style of home:
Minimum # of bedrooms: Minimum # of bathrooms:
Garage/Spaces: RV Parking:
Minimum # of square feet: Size of lot:
Other details you are looking for: